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Animal Adaptations Videos

Octopus Camouflage

This is a video example of a physical animal adaptation--camouflage. It’s a really fascinating video of an octopus’ ability to change its body shape, texture, and color to camouflage into its environment. It also shows the same octopus changing color again in a disruptive color, and its ability to ink and confuse predators. It is narrated by two people, one being a marine biologist, who explains how cephalopods use camouflage so successfully.

How Do They Know That?

In this episode of 3-2-1 Contact, from PBS, kids explore animal behavioral adaptations. Specifically, they look at the two types of animal behavior--innate and learned behaviors. The video tells of several different animals and their learned or innate behaviors, including a mouse learning to find its way through a maze, and orangutans who were born in captivity and must learn how to live in the wild without humans.  

The Science of Adaptations

On this episode of LabRaKazam, Dr. Jeff and several kids explore the science of animal adaptations and their environment. Specifically, the group focuses on learning about how and why animals adapt to their environment, they discuss how adaptations help animals find food, and explore different physical and behavioral adaptations that help animals protect themselves. To watch this whole video, don’t forget to get the school’s Generation Genius login. 

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