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On this page, you can view the classes I've taken throughout my Master's of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program. Courses are listed by year in chronological order.  Each class is briefly described. 

*Throughout this page you will see both TE and CEP classes.

TE = Teacher Education and CEP = Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education*


CEP 810: Teaching for Understanding with Technology   

(Summer 2014)

Ben Rimes, Michelle Schira Hagerman

In this course, we learned several theories of technology learning, focusing on TPACK. Specifically, we looked at how to balance technology with content knowledge and pedagogy. Throughout the semester we experimented with different technologies and theories, such as revamping a lesson, or visualizing our professional learning communities. Throughout the course, the idea of "intentional technology use" was intertwined into each week.

CEP 811: Adapting Innovative Technology to Education 

(Fall 2014)

Amy Pietrowski, Mary Wever

This course is a continuation of CEP 810, focusing on TPACK and other learning theories. Here, we were introduced to Maker Spaces, and the concept of repurposing. I created several assignments using a Makey-Makey as a repurposing tool. We also were tasked with creating a MOOC, or massive open online course; I created a PD for teachers about gamification in the classroom.


CEP 812: Applying Educational Technology to Practice   

(Spring 2015)

Annie C. Gallagher, Sean Sweeney

This course focused around a "Wicked Problem" project. I worked with a think tank of fellow classmates to take on our wicked problem: failure as a learning mode. Together we researched how to elevate failure in the classroom, and  the benefits of encouraging failure.  We also examined the technology use in our schools by other teachers, how often teachers used technology, and how it was used.


CEP 822: Approaches to Educational Research 

(Summer 2017)

Cui Cheng, Ming Lei, June Westdal, Dr. David Wong

In this course, the focus was research. We analyzed data and sources for research accuracy. The culminating project was the Research Review Project.

TE 846: Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners    

(Summer 2017)

Kim Jansen

In this course, we looked at the various elements that lead to improved reading and writing. We also focused on how to differentiate literacy instruction to meet the needs of individual students. Throughout this course, I worked with a pre-kindergarten student on her literacy skills. From this, I completed the Literacy Learner Analysis Project.


CEP 800: Learning in School and Other Settings 

(Summer 2018)

Diana Brandon

This course examined how learning occurs not only in school, but outside of school as well. It introduced several learning theories related to this. In one project, we made a series of videos of a unique skill. These illustrated how different types of learning occurs. We also wrote our Personal Learning Theory.

CEP 820: Teaching K12 Students Online
(Summer 2018)

Cui Cheng, Dr. Anne Heintz

This course was about teaching students online. We used and analyzed course management systems against a strict set of standards. Throughout the course, we created our own online course. I created a course using Schoology focusing on animal adaptations for elementary aged students.

CEP 815: Technology and Leadership

(Fall 2018)

Candace Marcotte, Kyle Shack

This course examined technology use with a critical eye. We discussed the implications of using technology, and how it affects budget, parent consent, management, and professional development. The recurring theme of this class was "purposeful technology use." I created a Schoology professional development on screencasting. We also wrote our Technology Vision Statement.


CEP 824: Programming Concepts K12 Ed

(Spring 2019)

Dr. Aman Yadav

This is the flagship semester for this course. We are learning coding and programming, using GP Blocks and Python. The purpose of this class is to hone our computational thinking skills, and to use coding inclusively in all subjects. We are critically analyzing whether or not coding is a "new literacy."

CEP 807: Capstone Seminar

(Spring 2019)

Aric Gaunt, Dr. Matthew Koehler

The final course of the MAET program, this is a culmination of my work throughout the master's program. I am creating an online portfolio to exhibit my learning and growth in educational technology.

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